Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Olympic security highlights seven weaknesses in UK industry policy

Olympic security highlights seven weaknesses in UK industry policy:
Reblogged from Dr Alf's Blog:
Click to visit the original post
Royal Standard of the United Kingdom (Photo credit: lydia_shiningbrightly)

The Telegraph newspaper picks up a topical story in the UK media. It’s well worth a read. Check it out!
Olympic security: The firm at centre of the shambles ‘has seen fee rise by £53m’ – Telegraph.
However for me, it highlights a number of powerful weaknesses in  UK industry policy:
Read more… 397 more words
This is the type of funding that could be so easily used to help our care industry and people in need! Instead of G4S it should be " Good For Us "

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through Ace News Service