Re: Bachmann Softens on Farm Subsidies - Lindsey Boerma - Politics - The Atlantic: No Kool-Aid here nor any allegiance to party or personage above principle. The Republican Party doesn't even fully control the House... the Republican partly loyalists do not like the Tea Party... they tolerate them. Before the 2010 election the Democratic Party controlled the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. The Ratings for Obama were strong in the beginning, but Congress' ratings have been in the teens and twenties for years and years. Currently Obama's ratings are have reached new unprecedented lows. Obama has had 3 years in office, 2 of those with a Democratically controlled Congress, and look what we have.
Here are some stats from NBC's Meet the Press on 6/12/11...
Obama's Change
January 2009 - 7.3% June 2011 - 9.1% Change: UP 25%
National Debt:
January 2009 - $10,600,000,000,000 $10.6 TRILLION > $32,000 per person
June 2010 - $14,300,000,000,000 $14.3 TRILLION > $43,000 per person
Change: UP 35%
Price of Gas:
January 2009 - $1.83 June 2011 - $3.74 Change: UP 104%
This is change we can do without regardless of the party affiliation. I would like to see EVERY sitting politician who is responsible for this economic disaster out and all those complicit of destroying the country (our economy) regardless of party or capacity brought to justice and made to repay everything they have stolen plus 20% tot he American people.
He started by blaming others and he is still blaming others. He has now added natural disasters. The Republicans, if you include the Tea Party, control the House. So much for your false assertion and blame game. The Tea Party as a group have been the only group touting fiscal responsibility.It seems plain that you have not thought out your criticism of the foster children... the Bachmann's are not on welfare and using the "subsidies" as you call them for their income... which is import of your attack. Your other tactic is to discount the writer of what you don't want to hear or have seen here. The tactic speaks for itself. Since you are so worried about my IQ, I will assure you that it is fine (well over 120 if I recall correctly from my college days). Another attack will be in the area of my education... I have several degrees including a graduate degree. Having a background in IT and programming and now being a mathematics instructor in have a proclivity for analysis. As for middle class qualifications I have never been rich and I have been poor as a child (on welfare and food stamps). Most of my life I have been middle class. Having taught students hundreds of students and supervised/managed not only students but people, I have an admiration for those who do so with positive results. Remember too that she is a mother of 5... being a good parent is harder than corporate or blue collar work or teaching.I say this only to illustrate the error in attacking people and not sticking to issues.
The Tea Party is not just a constituency of anger. Sure there are people who are angry and rightly so. However, my affiliation with the Tea Party, is that it is a call to reign in oppressive freedom threatening overreaching overbearing Federal and State and local gov't tyranny. We want fiscally responsible and socially responsible representatives whose first loyalties are to the principles that this nation was founded upon and made America truly a shining city on a hill. We harbor no delusions touting America's perfection, but we do believe that adherence to the principles on which it was founded will give man the best gov't to be had to date and the best possible with the exception of course of being lead by a perfect potentate.
Perhaps that will help you understand that Tea Partiers, at lest some of us, are not irrationale, not pro-rich, not pro-elitism, and not pro-party so much as pro-principles of the founding fathers. We are tired of politics as usual, we want people who can balance their own checkbooks and not encumber us with excessive debt... people who can manage their families well and standby their commitments.. enuf said...